“Me” to the mirror


Hello “Me.”
It’s a long time since I’ve written to you, or better to me; today I’ve decided to do it.

No, no, believe me this time I’ll really do it, and with someone who will remind me of this every second and do you know why? Because I’ll write it on a mirror.
The mirror of my face, of what my eyes can see and what they don’t want to see anymore. Of a pitiless, reflected image, of a body too independent from the rules of a diet which can only show a self-evident out of shape form.

Yes dear mirror it’s a play on words! But what am I to do? I’ve tried all kinds of diets, even the most absurd ones.
Do you know there’s a diet that acts with the moon? You eat before the full moon, afterwards fast, but actual fasting.
You should have seen me! But perhaps it’s better this way, I was ugly, sad and weighed the same! And you keep watching silently and only I speak and when I look at you again I get depressed, but you’re the only one who never betrays me my amicable enemy!

I’m almost tempted to run away, I don’t like myself anymore, but is that overflowing flab, particularly when I’ve enough courage to look at my profile, really me?
But I keep my word and tonight I’ll write this letter to the end, at least until I’ll find a bit of mirror on which to write on.

The green, tight on the waist voile dress caressed my skin like gusts from summers filled with running, sun and life is now hanging in the wardrobe and seems to look at me like a sad dog shut-in for years. I can’t take you out, forgive me, I don’t know how to wear you… Be patient, maybe next year… and so on year to year…
And my green eyes stare at the mirror, watch it, challenge it, they’re not frightened, they haven’t lost anything, they have no time but they hold it all! The thermometer of my life. Joy made them greener, shinier, sorrow darkened them and colored them with shadows, love astonishing them shaded them with gold.
Today my eyes don’t seem to remember those emotions and are only a way to see, to see my transformations through time. But wait dear mirror, I have to clean a line here on the right side, I just saw it, so I can write on it! But it isn’t you who are scratched it’s my face! Don’t mockingly laugh with your Pyrrhic victory! What do you know about my life of which you only reflect the appearance! You’re just a tool, an interlocutor who permits me to speak to myself with the echo of your reflection.
But you can’t see! You just copy my image and send it back to me, a ping pong without soul. That line is a wrinkle, rather a conquest, I saved a man and little do I care if time a short while after sealed that moment, I felt happiness, which you can’t reflect.

Yes, I’ll grant you whatever you want but now I’ll take my revenge.
Try and reflect the image of my first kiss, of my first victory and of the entire spool of images which have created my life! You can’t! And as the free space on the mirror decreases, my rehabilitated soul breaks out and finally emerges and takes over the situation.
Almost like a prompter on a stage reminding me of my role and like me reawakening after a bad dream I observe myself, I meet my thoughts, my dreams, with my affections… with my life, the true one which I’m creating day by day for the present and the future.

And I start to soar thinking of a future where time and space are my allies and life doesn’t forget me.
Good-bye mirror, now you can’t hold me back anymore, everyone must play his part, you yours and me mine.
Thanks for allowing me to write to myself, now I see myself almost beautiful, I know you can’t see it, but my heart can!

Perhaps tomorrow you’ll be able to see it, too; life can work miracles!

“Pensieri in Barca” the beginning…


I had decided that sooner or later I would have taken it out of the drawer and that’s what I did. I put it in an envelope and I mailed it to the editor, as a matter of face, to many editors. A lot of envelops! A long story!
While waiting for a response I mailed another envelope but to another address: to the international literary prize Italo Svedese: Carrara Hallstalammar – Interart – Finalist and prizewinner! I couldn’t believe it!
And so once it was printed by the literary award typography three other editors wanted it! Too late! The boat has already sailed…

August from Florida!!!

August in Florida is very hot,! But I was not there to go to the beach! as you immediatly may think (that is natural and it is wounderfull) but to work to promote my book taking the chance to have italian friends living there.
So my second communication was included in the August magazine, meanwhile the sun was cooking everything around me, also my thinking, but not my emotion…really fresh!

So I hope you enyoj and share with me this piece of summer just gone! See you soon for September issue. Bye!!!

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Hello from Italy, back from USA

Ciao, I’m back from my stay in Usa every time different and interesting. During this trip I met also a nice person that introduced me in the field of newspaper promotion. So I took this opportunity with the magazine herebelow starting from July. I attach the copy of July issue so you may have the info about. The release of August and September will follow. I hope to have your comments and your suggestions. Have a wonderfull day!

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Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all of you!
If you want for your holidays a cheap trip on the sea, you can use my book now available in kindle version. I wish you the best and see…you on the boat!

From Christmas to Easter

Immagine 073Practically this is the time that has passed…I’ve really flunked as a blogger.

But  this isn’t my profession…true bloggers do it well…I try to stay in the saddle but as you can see when I fall the seasons pass…!

Have any of you had the sensation of talking to an answering machine…?

It seems as if many wait to call right when the answering machine has been inserted…this way there aren’t any risks and discussions are avoided!

But what kind of life is this? Just like blogs, I don ’t know who reads or better who is on the other side of the argument?

But these days this is a minor problem…in fact to be sincere there’s the opposite problem all talk and nothing is resolved.

In the meanwhile, the cart goes ahead because there are always men and women with the willingness who work (if they can::) every single day with dignity and conscience.

March 8th has passed and I feel a little left out, because I know the commitment women make in creating, the most part not recognized, but always lived on the front lines and unfortunately often sacrificed.

But all of this shouldn’t stop dreams because they’re aims to be reached, objectives to conquer, goals that put a bet there of obtaining them and creating a future, despite all real difficulties!

Bye…and I hope the saddle holds up…!

See you soon,


Da Natale a Pasqua…!

 Praticamente il tempo passato è questo….come blogger sono proprio bocciata!

Ma questo non è il mio mestiere…lo fanno bene i veri blogger…io provo a stare in sella e come vedete quando cado passano le stagioni..!

Ma voi avete mai provato delle sensazioni a parlare  con una segreteria telefonica?….

Pare che molti  aspettino a telefonare proprio al momento dell’inserimento della segreteria…così non si corrono rischi e si evitano discussioni!

Ma che vita è questa? Così con il blog, se non so chi legge o meglio chi c’è dall’altra parte di che si argomenta?

Ma di questi tempi questo è il problema minore…anzi per essere sinceri c’è il problema contrario tutti parlano e non si risolve niente.

Intanto il carro va avanti perchè ci sono sempre uomini e donne di buona volonta’ che lavorano( se possono..) ogni santo giorno con dignità e coscienza.

E’ appena passato l’8 marzo ed io mi sento un po’ di parte  perché conosco l’impegno in ogni cosa che una donna mette nel creare, sconosciuto dai piu’  ma sempre vissuto in prima linea e purtroppo spesso sacrificato.

Tutto questo però non dovrà fermare mai i sogni perché sono mete da raggiungere, obiettivi da conquistare, scopi che mettono li una scommessa quella di ottenerli e creare un futuro, a dispetto di qualsiasi difficoltà reale!

Ciao…e spero che la sella tenga…!

A presto


…Ecco una bella sorpresa!

Prima di tutto è stata una bella sorpresa!
Ho partecipato alla prima edizione del Premio Poetico Nazionale “ Amici di Ron” poesia inedita : Alla ricerca della Felicità e sono stata premiata come Quarta classificata a pari merito con altri il 26 novembre scorso nella Villa Cusani Traversi Tittoni a Desio (MB) .
Non ci potevo credere. Infatti al Presidente della Giuria che mi aveva notificato il premio al telefono alcuni giorni prima avevo detto : “ ma lei mi sta prendendo in giro?! Non mi permetterei mai signora, mi aveva risposto con cortesia!” A quel punto l’imbarazzo superava lo stupore!
L’avevo scritta per rabbia, una scommessa. Sono così abituata ultimamente a fare, fare e non aver riscontri che una risposta ancor più positiva mi aveva spiazzata.
In un passaggio della mia poesia, intitolata “Alla ricerca della Felicità “ scrivo :

Che sia questa la ricetta di questa vita da conquistare?
Crederci e continuare?

E’ successo a me, perché non potrebbe succedere a Te?
La metterò sul sito. Si lo so, dicono che le belle notizie vanno pubblicizzate subito, ma io sul marketing ho ancora molto da imparare..!
Un abbraccio

The emotion continues…

And the emotion continues… maybe in a different form because feelings are never the same.
In fact, from yesterday I’m part of an American artists  group : artists for a better world, which with their art they want to make a better world. Unfortunately, good things never make the news but only negative things. The first don’t sell and it’s almost a rage on the worst that can get more attention.

Instead I remain impressed by something the Dalai Lama said to the writer Isabel Losada, who asked him how does one become wise enough to know what can be changed around us. And he answered: “Just experience.” And the writer continued in her article saying: “Therefore, when people ask me how to change the world I say start by turning off the TV, don’t be satisfied and do something.”

It’s not bad as an experiment. I thought that instead of living the lives of others it would be better to live one’s own life! Yes, because many times we fall in line with what we’re shown, (however useful, especially for those who are alone) it makes us lazy about experimenting on ourselves.

For me communication is the foundation for everything. If you don’t speak it’s like being dead. This blog, a tool that continues to intimidate me, is something that in any case permits one to communicate, but not only one way, otherwise it’s not communicating. I would like to receive your comments, otherwise I feel like the drunk that talks to the world that no one listens to.

What do you say? By the way, have you seen my Amazon link? What do you say about my book?
See you soon,


L’emozione …continua!

E l’emozione continua….magari in forma diversa perche’ i sentimenti non sono mai uguali.

Da ieri infatti sono parte di un gruppo di artisti americani: artists  for a better world, che con la loro arte desiderano rendere questo mondo migliore.

Si perche’ c’e’ molto lavoro da fare e la vita che ci circonda e ci passa attraverso e’ proprio in discesa.
Purtroppo non fanno notizia le cose belle ma solo quelle negative, le prime non vendono ed e’ quasi un accanimento su quella peggiore che potrebbe richiamare di piu’ l’attenzione.

A me invece e’ rimasta impressa una cosa che il Dalai Lama ha risposto alla scrittrice Isabel Losada che gli chiedeva come si diventa abbastanza saggi per capire cosa si puo’ cambiare intorno a noi.
Lui rispose : “basta sperimentare.” e la scrittrice nell’articolo proseguiva dicendo : per questo, quando la gente mi chiede come cambiare il mondo, dico : “iniziate a spegnere la tv, non accontentatevi e fate qualcosa”.

Non e’ male come esperimento.
Ho pensato che invece di vivere la vita degli altri sarebbe meglio vivere la propria! Si perche’ molte volte ci si allinea a cio’ che viene mostrato (per quanto utilissimo a volte, soprattutto per chi e’ solo) e ci si impigrisce sullo sperimentare su se stessi.

Per me la comunicazione e’ la base di tutto, se non parli sei come morto. questo mezzo che e’ il blog che continua ad intimorirmi e’ qualcosa che in ogni caso permette di comunicare ma non a senso unico altrimenti non e’ comunicare .
Mi piacerebbe avere un vostro commento altrimenti mi sento come un ubriaco che parla al mondo e nessuno lo ascolta, che ne dite?
A proposito avete visto il mio link su Amazon, che ne dite del mio libro?

A presto
